You are here: Judicial Directory > Christopher E. Brown > Procedures/Preferences


Civil Traffic Division “M” Procedures

(a)  Procedures:  This Division will follow these Procedures in addition to other applicable law and rules, including but not limited to the Florida Rules of Traffic Court, the Florida Evidence Code, the Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration, and the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit’s Administrative Orders. These Procedures supplement the other generally applicable law.

(b)  Remote Appearance:  All appearances, including arraignments and hearings, are held in person. Remote appearances, including by Zoom, are not available in this Division unless otherwise ordered by the Court.

(c)  Notices:  To receive electronic notices and file documents in a case, please refer to the Hillsborough County Clerk of Court (“Clerk”) at or the Hillsborough Online Viewing of Electronic Records (HOVER) at:

(d) Motions:  Any motions should be filed through the e-portal or directly with the Clerk. The Court will rule only on a written motion that has been filed with the Clerk or on an oral motion made in Court in the Clerk’s presence.

(e) Scheduling/Cancelling Hearings: A written motion must be filed with the Clerk before setting it for hearing in JAWS or requesting hearing time from the Court’s Judicial Assistant.

  1. Any matter requiring 15 minutes or less hearing time should be scheduled through JAWS.
  2. Any matter requiring more than 15 minutes hearing time should be scheduled with the Judicial Assistant by emailing
  3. After obtaining a hearing time, a Notice of Hearing should be filed through the e-portal or submitted directly to the Clerk of Court.  A copy should also be mailed to Traffic Division “M”, 401 N. Jefferson St., #225, Tampa, FL, or emailed to
  4. Any cancellations of hearings must be made in writing and emailed to Please promptly notify the Court if a hearing is cancelled and the hearing time is not needed so that the time may be utilized for another case.

(f)  Continuances:  If a continuance of an arraignment or a hearing is desired, a request must either be written, filed with, and timestamped by the clerk or be made orally in open Court while the Clerk is present. Continuances of hearings that have been specially set, such as a fatality trial, are strongly disfavored.

(g) Emergency Motions: Will be treated as an emergency and reviewed by the Court forthwith. The designation of something as an “emergency” accords the pleading extraordinary treatment and the unwarranted designation of a motion as an “emergency” may result in sanctions.  If a party or counsel files an “emergency” motion, the Court expects counsel to be immediately available for an “emergency” hearing including at night or on weekends and in-person. If a party or counsel files an “emergency” motion, the contact information for the opposing party should be included, including email address(es) and phone number(s).

(h) Witnesses:  If you are a witness and want to either reschedule or be excused from appearing, please contact the party that subpoenaed you.

(i) Submitting Proposed Orders:

  1. Proposed orders must be submitted in .pdf format through the Florida Courts e-Filing Portal.
  2. Following a hearing, please submit orders to the Court within three (3) weeks of a hearing and ruling.  The party directed to submit the order must circulate the order with all parties within ten (10) calendar days of the hearing and make a concerted effort to agree on proposed language. 
  3. If the order is contested, both parties shall upload a proposed order with a cover letter indicating the lack of agreement between the parties. 
  4. If a party is not represented by counsel, counsel shall mail a hard copy of any signed order to the opposing, self-represented party within five (5) calendar days of receiving the signed, electronic order.  (This is in lieu of submitting a hard copy and envelopes with postage to the Court). 
  5. If neither party is represented by counsel or there is a lack of access to the Florida Courts e-Filing Portal, proposed orders along with copies for conforming are to be submitted to the Court on paper.  Please also include addressed envelopes with postage for each party due to receive a copy of the order.
  6. If a proposed order is filed through the e-portal, please do not send an additional, hard copy to the Court. 
  7. All proposed Final Judgments including a damages award shall attach Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Form 1.977, Fact Information Sheet, if applicable. 

(j)  Witnesses/Exhibits: At any hearing, the Parties are responsible for bringing any witnesses that they want to testify. The Parties are also responsible for bringing any evidence they want the Court to consider, such as photos, documents, or videos.  Evidence that is submitted to the Court may be taken by the Clerk and not returned without a Court order.  

(k)  Interpreter/Attorney:  Because this is a noncriminal division, if a party needs an interpreter or desires an attorney, they must provide their own.

(l)  Courtesy Copies:  Case law and any legal authority should be provided to the Court at least three (3) business days prior to a scheduled hearing.

(m)  Forms:  Online information related to traffic citations is available at

(n) Appearance:  All Parties should dress in business attire for court appearances.

(o)  Professionalism:  The Court expects the highest standards of professionalism, civility, candor, and preparation in the courtroom.  Any attorney or party displaying inappropriate conduct may be subject to sanctions.

(p) Communication:  The preferred method of communication with this office is by email at The following information should be included in the email:  case number, case name, and what information you are seeking.  In addition, the Court’s Judicial Assistant, Paulina Skerrett, may be reached at (813) 272-5156.  The Judicial Assistant may be able to assist with general questions about scheduling the Court’s cases and docket but she cannot provide legal advice or discuss specific case details.

Non-Criminal Non-Traffic Division “T” Procedures

(a)  Procedures:  This Division will follow these Procedures in addition to other applicable law and rules, including but not limited to the Florida Evidence Code, the Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration, and the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit’s Administrative Orders. These Procedures supplement the other generally applicable law.

(b)  Remote Appearance:  All appearances, including arraignments and hearings, are held in person. Remote appearances, including by Zoom, are not available in this Division unless otherwise ordered by the Court.

(c)  Notices:  To receive electronic notices and file documents in a case, please refer to the Hillsborough County Clerk of Court (“Clerk”) at or the Hillsborough Online Viewing of Electronic Records (HOVER) at:

(d) Motions:  Any motions should be filed through the e-portal or directly with the Clerk. The Court will rule only on a written motion that has been filed with the Clerk or on an oral motion made in Court in the Clerk’s presence.

(e) Scheduling/Cancelling Hearings: A written motion must be filed with the Clerk before setting it for hearing in JAWS or requesting hearing time from the Court’s Judicial Assistant.

  1. Any matter requiring 15 minutes or less hearing time should be scheduled through JAWS.
  2. Any matter requiring more than 15 minutes hearing time should be scheduled with the Judicial Assistant by emailing
  3. After obtaining a hearing time, a Notice of Hearing should be filed through the e-portal or submitted directly to the Clerk of Court.  A copy should also be mailed to Non-Criminal Non-Traffic Civil Division “T”, 401 N. Jefferson St., #225, Tampa, FL, or emailed to
  4. Any cancellations of hearings must be made in writing and emailed to  Please promptly notify the Court if a hearing is cancelled and the hearing time is not needed so that the time may be utilized for another case.

(f)  Continuances:  If a continuance of an arraignment or a hearing is desired, a request must either be written, filed with, and timestamped by the clerk or be made orally in open Court while the Clerk is present. Continuances of hearings that have been specially set are strongly disfavored.

(g) Emergency Motions: Will be treated as an emergency and reviewed by the Court forthwith. The designation of something as an “emergency” accords the pleading extraordinary treatment and the unwarranted designation of a motion as an “emergency” may result in sanctions.  If a party or counsel files an “emergency” motion, the Court expects counsel to be immediately available for an “emergency” hearing including at night or on weekends and in-person. If a party or counsel files an “emergency” motion, the contact information for the opposing party should be included, including email address(es) and phone number(s).

(h) Witnesses:  If you are a witness and want to either reschedule or be excused from appearing, please contact the party that subpoenaed you.

(i) Submitting Proposed Orders:

  1. Proposed orders must be submitted in .pdf format through the Florida Courts e-Filing Portal.
  2. Following a hearing, please submit orders to the Court within three (3) weeks of a hearing and ruling.  The party directed to submit the order must circulate the order with all parties within ten (10) calendar days of the hearing and make a concerted effort to agree on proposed language. 
  3. If the order is contested, both parties shall upload a proposed order with a cover letter indicating the lack of agreement between the parties. 
  4. If a party is not represented by counsel, counsel shall mail a hard copy of any signed order to the opposing, self-represented party within five (5) calendar days of receiving the signed, electronic order.  (This is in lieu of submitting a hard copy and envelopes with postage to the Court). 
  5. If neither party is represented by counsel or there is a lack of access to the Florida Courts e-Filing Portal, proposed orders along with copies for conforming are to be submitted to the Court on paper.  Please also include addressed envelopes with postage for each party due to receive a copy of the order.
  6. If a proposed order is filed through the e-portal, please do not send an additional, hard copy to the Court. 
  7. All proposed Final Judgments including a damages award shall attach Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Form 1.977, Fact Information Sheet, if applicable.

(j)  Witnesses/Exhibits: At any hearing, the Parties are responsible for bringing any witnesses that they want to testify. The Parties are also responsible for bringing any evidence they want the Court to consider, such as photos, documents, or videos.  Evidence that is submitted to the Court may be taken by the Clerk and not returned without a Court order.  

(k)  Interpreter/Attorney:  Because this is a noncriminal division, if a party needs an interpreter or desires an attorney, they must provide their own.

(l)  Courtesy Copies:  Case law and any legal authority should be provided to the Court at least three (3) business days prior to a scheduled hearing.

(m)  Forms:  Online information and forms related to civil litigation are available at

(n) Appearance:  All Parties should dress in business attire for court appearances.

(o)  Professionalism:  The Court expects the highest standards of professionalism, civility, candor, and preparation in the courtroom.  Any attorney or party displaying inappropriate conduct may be subject to sanctions.

(p) Communication:  The preferred method of communication with this office is by email at The following information should be included in the email:  case number, case name, and what information you are seeking.  In addition, the Court’s Judicial Assistant, Paulina Skerrett, may be reached at (813) 272-5156.  The Judicial Assistant may be able to assist with general questions about scheduling the Court’s cases and docket but she cannot provide legal advice or discuss specific case details.

Family Law Division “Y” Procedures

(a)  Procedures:  This Division will follow these Procedures in addition to other applicable law and rules, including but not limited to the Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure, the Florida Evidence Code, the Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration, and the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit’s Administrative Orders. These Procedures supplement the other generally applicable law.

(b)  Remote Appearance:  All appearances, including arraignments and hearings, are held in person. Remote appearances, including by Zoom, are not available in this Division unless otherwise ordered by the Court.

(c)  Notices:  To receive electronic notices and file documents in a case, please refer to the Hillsborough County Clerk of Court (“Clerk”) at or the Hillsborough Online Viewing of Electronic Records (HOVER) at:

(d) Motions:  Any motions should be filed through the e-portal or directly with the Clerk. The Court will rule only on a written motion that has been filed with the Clerk or on an oral motion made in Court in the Clerk’s presence.

(e) Scheduling/Cancelling Hearings: A written motion must be filed with the Clerk before setting it for hearing in JAWS or requesting hearing time from the Court’s Judicial Assistant.

  1. Any matter requiring 15 minutes or less hearing time should be scheduled through JAWS.
  2. Any matter requiring more than 15 minutes hearing time should be scheduled with the Judicial Assistant by emailing
  3. After obtaining a hearing time, a Notice of Hearing should be filed through the e-portal or submitted directly to the Clerk of Court.  A copy should also be mailed to Family Law Division “Y”, 401 N. Jefferson St., #225, Tampa, FL, or emailed to .
  4. Any cancellations of hearings must be made in writing and emailed to Please promptly notify the Court if a hearing is cancelled and the hearing time is not needed so that the time may be utilized for another case.

(f)  Continuances:  If a continuance of a hearing is desired, a request must either be written, filed with, and timestamped by the clerk or be made orally in open Court while the Clerk is present. Continuances of hearings that have been specially set are strongly disfavored.

(g) Emergency Motions: Will be treated as an emergency and reviewed by the Court forthwith. The designation of something as an “emergency” accords the pleading extraordinary treatment and the unwarranted designation of a motion as an “emergency” may result in sanctions.  If a party or counsel files an “emergency” motion, the Court expects counsel to be immediately available for an “emergency” hearing including at night or on weekends and in-person. If a party or counsel files an “emergency” motion, the contact information for the opposing party should be included, including email address(es) and phone number(s).

(h) Witnesses:  If you are a witness and want to either reschedule or be excused from appearing, please contact the party that subpoenaed you.

(i) Submitting Proposed Orders:

  1. Proposed orders must be submitted in .pdf format through the Florida Courts e-Filing Portal.
  2. Following a hearing, please submit orders to the Court within three (3) weeks of a hearing and ruling.  The party directed to submit the order must circulate the order with all parties within ten (10) calendar days of the hearing and make a concerted effort to agree on proposed language.
  3. If the order is contested, both parties shall upload a proposed order with a cover letter indicating the lack of agreement between the parties.
  4. If a party is not represented by counsel, counsel shall mail a hard copy of any signed order to the opposing, self-represented party within five (5) calendar days of receiving the signed, electronic order.  (This is in lieu of submitting a hard copy and envelopes with postage to the Court). 
  5. If neither party is represented by counsel or there is a lack of access to the Florida Courts e-Filing Portal, proposed orders along with copies for conforming are to be submitted to the Court on paper.  Please also include addressed envelopes with postage for each party due to receive a copy of the order.
  6. If a proposed order is filed through the e-portal, please do not send an additional, hard copy to the Court.
  7. All proposed Final Judgments including a damages award shall attach Florida Rules of Civil Procedure Form 1.977, Fact Information Sheet, if applicable. 

(j)  Witnesses/Exhibits: At any hearing, the Parties are responsible for bringing any witnesses that they want to testify. The Parties are also responsible for bringing any evidence they want the Court to consider, such as photos, documents, or videos.  Evidence that is submitted to the Court may be taken by the Clerk and not returned without a Court order.  

(j)  Interpreter/Attorney:  Because this is a noncriminal division, if a party needs an interpreter or desires an attorney, they must provide their own.

(l)  Courtesy Copies:  Case law and any legal authority should be provided to the Court at least three (3) business days prior to a scheduled hearing.

(m)  Forms:  Online information related to Family law is available at

(n) Appearance:  All Parties should dress in business attire for court appearances.

(o)  Professionalism:  The Court expects the highest standards of professionalism, civility, candor, and preparation in the courtroom.  Any attorney or party displaying inappropriate conduct may be subject to sanctions.

(p) Communication:  The preferred method of communication with this office is by email at The following information should be included in the email:  case number, case name, and what information you are seeking.  In addition, the Court’s Judicial Assistant, Paulina Skerrett, may be reached at (813) 272-5156.  The Judicial Assistant may be able to assist with general questions about scheduling the Court’s cases and docket but she cannot provide legal advice or discuss specific case details.